Protecting a Brand with Tamper-evident and Authentication Labels

Tamper-evident labeling has application across the entire supply chain. Brands can use a solution like our self-shredding label to protect their products and brand integrity.

Labels Tell More Than You Think
I just got back from LabelExpo 2018 and I was struck by how many companies are tackling solutions for protecting consumer privacy and security. Specialized labels for the pharmaceutical industry are particularly important.
How Your Daily Routine Could Land You a Patent
Wake up, shower, shave, brush your teeth, get dressed, walk the dog. Most people do a lot of the same things every day and probably don’t feel very inspired while they do them.
An Unintended Consequence of the Amazon PillPack Deal
Last month Amazon announced it was acquiring PillPack, an online pharmacy that delivers prepackaged daily dosages of all your medications by mail.
What You Need to Know About Prior Art Searches
One of the first things you need to do to get your idea patented is to do a search for prior art.
A License to Make Money
If you are an innovator who loves the process of developing new product ideas but isn’t as excited about the process of manufacturing and marketing that product, then one of the best ways to make money from your invention is to license your idea to a company who will take…